Robi Internet Offer - Robi Internet Offer 1gb 15 tk

Robi interesting internet offers and Robi mb offer-check, Robi internet offer, you will find in the website. Enjoy Robi's attractive offer and buy mb with all new rules and regulation. The posts of your choice have been made through the said poster and the internet pack is provided as per your choice.
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Robi sim customers are informed that if you are looking for robi internet offers then you have come to the right place. Here you will be informed about robi internet offer and robi internet offer 1gb 15 tk all through today's answer post and you will know how you can buy net from that mouth. By dialing what you can buy net you can know about the information. Robi sim company has updated their offer so you must update robi sim, robi sim internet offer.
Today's post has discussed about robi internet offer. We will also know how from the article. And how do we know more girls are currently paying how much mb. That's why we always search for updates on rabe semik online web page so that we can know the correct information. But don't think it is necessary because we will also try to tell you how you can get your robi sim from the company very easily.

Robi Internet Offer

Those of you customers who are looking for robi internet offer can definitely take it below. And also you can buy the packages from robi internet offer at a very low price. And you can check robi mb as you wish. So without further delay, let's check the offers. Let's check the offers.

Internet Balance


Active Code


500 MB

TK: 19


30 Day

2 GB

TK: 31


30 Day

4 GB

TK: 68


7 Day

4 GB

TK: 108


7 Day

5 GB

TK: 89


7 Day

5 GB

TK: 98


7 Day

6 GB

TK: 129


7 Day

7 GB

TK: 108


30 Day

10 GB

TK: 199


7 Day

14 GB

TK: 197


30 Day

15 GB

TK: 208


30 Day

20 GB

TK: 298


30 Day

30 GB

TK: 219


30 Day

  • In that case, after purchasing your robi internet offers, you can use them on all 2G/ 3G/ 4G networks.
  • In that case, if you want to know robi sim internet, you must dial *3#

Robi MB Check

If you want to check robi internet offer or robi mb. In that case you must understand which mb offer you want to buy. And come to find the real information in the right website. Here you will be informed about robi mb check rules. And so if you look at the list below then you will know that to check robi internet offer or robi mb you must read the following tables.

Internet Balance


Active Code


100 MB

TK: 10


3 day

100 MB

TK: 19


3 day

250 MB

TK: 46


28 day

350 MB

TK: 18


28 day

350 MB

TK: 20


28 day

500 MB

TK: 10


3 day

700 MB

TK: 58


7 day

750 MB

TK: 74


14 day

800 MB

TK: 49


7 day

1 GB

TK: 23


28 day

1 GB

TK: 33


30 day

1 GB

TK: 41


3 day

1 GB

TK: 48


4 day

1 GB

TK: 49


30 day

1 GB

TK: 53


28 day

1 GB

TK: 98


7 day

1.1 GB

TK: 101


7 day

1.5 GB

TK: 209


30 day

1 GB+75 Minute

+30 SMS

TK: 98


7 day

Robi Internet Package

Through this post you can know robi internet package. Robi sim is informed about how you can see the internet. And here is given in front of you how much money you can buy how many mb and how many days you can pay. And so they are given to you in tabular form below:-

Internet Balance


Active Code


1.5 GB

TK: 48


3 day

1.5 GB

TK: 209


30 day

2 GB

TK: 54


3 day

2 GB

TK: 239


28 day

2 GB

TK: 65


3 day

2 GB+150 Minute

+150 SMS

TK: 251


28 day

3 GB

TK: 108


7 day

3 GB

TK: 61


3 day

4 GB

TK: 108


7 day

4 GB

TK: 316


28 day

4.5 GB

TK: 129


7 day

5 GB+150 Minute

+100 SMS

TK: 599


30 day

6 GB

TK: 148


7 day

7 GB

TK: 399


28 day

10 GB

TK: 501


28 day

10 GB

TK: 199


7 day

15 GB

TK: 649


28 day

20 GB+500 Minute

+200 SMS

TK: 999


30 day

30 GB

TK: 399


30 day

How to check robi sim balance

Dear readers, I hope are currently wondering about robi internet offers and how to check robi sim balance. And with that robi got to know your Wish about mb checking rules. Hope you got to know how to buy mb on your robi sim and hopefully you got to know which mb package will good for you. So without further delay let us know how to check robi sim balance:-
  • If you want to check robi internet balance.
  • You need to dial *844*88# check robi sim internet balance.
  • To check sunday minutes you need to dial *222*8#
  • Dial *222*12# to check robi sim sms balance

FAQ - Some common questions and answers about robi internet offers

How mumuch is 1 Gb internet?
Present day robi sim is a popular sim so robi sim offer are very good. So if you want to buy robi internet offer 1GB then you have to spend 9 rupees. In that case you *888#

How many GB internet is available in robi sim for?
If you want to buy robi sim 23 mb then you will be given 1 GB MB. In that case you need to dial *123*230#

How much will it cost to buy 2Gb MB?
If you want to buy 2GB MB then robi sim will cost you 48 rupees per released. In that case you will get 4 day validity. In that case, you don't have to click on any option to say hello to anything, you will get two GB internet if you fax 48 taka directly.

How much does 3GB Robi Internet cost?
You are getting 3GB internet for 98 taka in these offers. This offer will be valid for maximum 7 days. So to activate robi internet offers you need to dial *123*108# on your mobile option. You can take this offer as many times as you like.

How much money does it take to buy 6GB internet?
If you want to take some weekly offers from robi sim company through robi sim then you can get 148 TK 6GB internet. In that case if you are interested in taking this offer then you have to dial *123*148# this number you have to dail. But the offer will be valid for 7days.
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Last word

Today's robi internet offer is for those customers who have mb per th to do their official work online at home. Robi mb check rules hope you know after so long. Through this poster you have come to know how to buy internet and how to buy mb yourself. And it has been tried to tell you that after you buy the mb, you have been told how many numbers you will check the mb by dialing which quota.

এই পোস্টটি পরিচিতদের সাথে শেয়ার করুন

পূর্বের পোস্ট দেখুন পরবর্তী পোস্ট দেখুন
এই পোস্টে এখনো কেউ মন্তব্য করে নি
মন্তব্য করতে এখানে ক্লিক করুন

শামিম বিডির নীতিমালা মেনে কমেন্ট করুন। প্রতিটি কমেন্ট রিভিউ করা হয়।

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